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Eyelash Extensions


Full Classic set:  .......................................... $125

      Classic Fill:   (4 wk max) ....................... $50+



Hybrid Set ................................................. $175

      Hybrid Fill:   (4 wk max) ....................... $70+



Full Volume Set ........................................... $225

      Volume Fill:   (4 wk max) ....................... $75-95



Lash Removal:  ............................................ $30




Eyelash Aftercare Requirements 

1. Do not get the eyelashes wet and keep them moisture free for a full 24 hours. This includes but is not limited to; showering, steam from showering, swimming, working out, and excessive sweating, makeup wipes.


2. Do not wear any form of makeup on the eyes; this includes the bottom lashes as well.


3. Do not pick or pull on your natural lashes because this risks lashes being pulled out prematurely.


4. Gently cleanse lashes daily using the lash cleanser. 


5. Brush your lashes daily. This encourages any lashes in the Telogen stage to come out, while keeping them looking nice and not tangled. 


6. Do not sleep on your face. Whatever side you sleep on will experience more lash loss. Using silk pillowcases can help keep lashes on longer because cotton causes friction that causes breakage to hair, including lashes. 


7. Avoid oily products. Anything oily degrades the adhesive. This includes makeup, eye creams, eye serums, lotion, etc. 


Additional things that could make you lose lashes more rapidly 


1. Swimming

2. Saunas and hot tubs 

3. Excessive showering 

4. Working out 

5. Excessive sweating 

6. Allergies or rubbing of the eyes 

7. Watery eyes

8. Age 

9. Medications 

10. Hormones 

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